T-Strap pulls the talocrural and subtalar joints laterally to position them back underneath the tibia. Quick and easy to apply: Distal end attaches to bottom of the Allard AFO footplate – proximal “T” wraps around ankle and attaches to the lateral strut. Easily adjusted to customize to height of the patient’s medial malleolus. Plastazote inner core may be gently heated with dry heat to improve shape and fit. Soft, breathable, yet supportive outer fabric.
IMPORTANT: T-Strap is intended only for use in conjunction with an Allard AFO and a custom orthotic appropriate to meet the patient's foot positioning requirements. Use of T-Strap without a foot orthotic will increase stress on the lateral strut of the Allard AFO.
Recommended Range Of Application
Severe pes valgus that cannot be controlled from ground up with foot orthotics.
Edema, impaired circulation, skin maceration, or other conditions that may be further injured by compression.
Item No. | Size | Color | Product description | Side |
287771000 | One Size | Black | T-Strap | Left |
287772000 | One Size | Black | T-Strap | Right |
Support for Better Life Booklet (3.58 MB)
T-Strap Instructions (192.69 KB)
Allard AFO Adult Item List (395.3 KB)